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The 10 girls on Letterman: Hilary Rhoda, Izabel Goulart, Anne V, Genevieve Morton, Kate Upton, Chrissy Teigen, Alyssa Miller, Damaris Lewis, Julie Henderson & Irina Shayk

Other girls are doing the Closing Bell: Cintia Dicker, Kenza Fourati, Esti Ginzburg, Jessica Gomes & another blonde, couldn't see her face in the picture lol


YAY! Irina got the cover, i knew it was her or Anne V! Finally a brunette :heart:

Hilary fans can suck it, they bashed every single model from SI on twitter ... She is the last model i wanted to get the cover :ninja:


I am actually happy with her getting the cover!

I also love Alyssa and Kate as rookies so I may buy SI for the first time ever. I hope the pics turn out!


I actually kind of wanted Hilary to get the cover (if not Anne). :blush: Both of them were/are hf models that received criticism for their bodies throughout the careers. But, whenever I read Hilary's thread at tfs, I feel alittle creeped out by some of her fans. :ninja: Anyways, congrats to Irina!


Her fans are insane...I feel like Anne deserved it, honestly, but Irina was a close second!

I'm still curious if they'll show her reaction when they reveal the cover on David Letterman, even if she probably already knows by now.

And the 10 girls at Letterman are:

Hilary, Anne, Izabel, Genevieve, Kate, Chrissy, Damaris, Alyssa, Julie, and Irina.


Well, the show is taped in the afternoon and then shown just before midnight.

So by the time we see the footage, the girls would've already attended the afterparty and all the Hilary fans would still be pissed.


Well, I know I'M pissed! I don't hate Irina, far from it, but Anne has done what? 6 years of SI (can't quite remember if has been 6 years already) and still no cover! I really think she should get the cover this year and with all that media attention she's getting because of Maroon 5's videos and dating Adam and all, I thought she would! I'm also pissed because there's no Kim Cloutier... again and she rocked in 2009. :(


congrats to Irina. She and Anne V were my picks :clap:

Every covergirl in recent years seems to be in the spotlight a little bit more (well for a model anyways) and Irina was that girl this year, so no surprise to me. Her bf is not even famous here in the US, is he? :blink: so I wouldn't blame it on that. If anything it was her attending tons of events and the flabbergasted GQ hoopla that got me wondering.

Can't say Im a big fan of the actual cover. Was hoping for that vintage-y style in the preview pics, but Irina herself looks amazing! Best cover since Marisa's.


I do not like the cover. Irina does not look all the great in the cover picture and I do not like her bikini. Well at course Irina got the cover cristiano ronaldo is her boyfriend. but I am glad that she is a brunette. It was time for a brunette to get the cover. They could have make Irina look a lot better. Her make up is not done right, and her hair look messy. They should have at least fix her hair, Irina is a pretty girl.

by the way anne v has 7x with SI not 6.

Jessica White has 8x with SI. If you are saying that anne v should have gone the cover for been with SI the longest. then Jessica White should have gone the cover because she has been with SI longest.


I was wondering why they had all those 10 models at the david letterman show? why could they just have irina in the letterman show? just like the previous model have done it.

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