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^ Also there's a couple of pictures of Megan going to a doctors yesterday and trying to remain very low profile about it. Botox, teeth or gyno?


Also I'm kinda shocked she didn't invite her family to her wedding, in fact the wedding seems awfully last minute.


Megan’s dad told RadarOnline, “Megan gave me a call after the ceremony, and then sent a photograph of her and Brian with her iPhone. My daughter looked very happy in the photograph that she sent me in what was a very private ceremony. I’m delighted for her and I’ve met Brian before and I think that he is a good guy and I hope they will be happy. We are in regular contact and I usually go and see her when she visits her sister in Florida. I’m really thrilled for them both!”


If it was me, my dad would be crushed if I hadn't invited him to my wedding :( and adding insult to injury her father found out she was married after the fact? Family values missing?

Also why does it seem like her father doesn't really know Brian? In the fathers words "He's met him before" o.O wow. Brian's been in Megan's life years, and by the looks of it, it seems like Megan rarely brings her family around him or vise versa... kinda odd considering these are the people she loves the most in life, you think you'd want them to be apart of each others lives. Question Mark

I´ve heard/read somewhere that Megan didn't have a great childhood, nor a close bond with her parents. I will try to look up where I got the info from, but that might take a while. :/

It would explain why they're so distant. For example, my friend went to live on her own when she was 16. She didn't like her parents and when I was there I never really sensed affection of any kind from both sides. Anyway, she's 22 now and has a life of her own. She and her parents speak sometimes, but she doesn't go out of her way to include them in her life. Maybe Megan feels the same. Also, since she's hounded by the paps 24/7 I get why she would want to do it fast. I mean, once the rumours got started, it had already happened. There was no time to assemble a team of parasites to go out and snap pictures of them.

Sadly not everyone has a loving relationship with their family. :(


i heard that megan will acting in the new movie "Tesla ruler of the world" with Jessica Alba.jessica and megan,can't wait to see them two together on big screen


I never heard or read anything about her family so I have no clue. I only know that she had a boyfriend in HS and she lived in Florida for some time.

is she pregnant ? :o

Probably more injections for her lips to keep them plump. ;)

I'm happy for them, but if you wanted it private, why would you release wedding photos of the event and tell your parents after the fact? My dad would've been heartbroken, but then again, we're a really close family. Who knows. :idk:

is she pregnant ? :o

Probably more injections for her lips to keep them plump. ;)

I'm happy for them, but if you wanted it private, why would you release wedding photos of the event and tell your parents after the fact? My dad would've been heartbroken, but then again, we're a really close family. Who knows. :idk:

exactly my thoughts

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