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Taylor Hill


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You should worry more about your soul going to heaven. Maybe she is in the illuminati if she wants to go to hell that's her problem. I am pretty sure some of the models are in the illuminati. I wouldn't be surprise if she is one of them. majority of celebrities are.  especially the singer. They join the illuminati to gain fame and to become rich. Rocks singer sing for the devil. All the rock singers are satanic. Some people do the devil symbols in a ignorance way. They don't know that is the devil signs. I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ died in the cross to save us. I don't know Tay religion life. God is real. All I know is that I want to heaven. 

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28 minutes ago, Solangel said:

You should worry more about your soul going to heaven. Maybe she is in the illuminati if she wants to go to hell that's her problem. I am pretty sure some of the models are in the illuminati. I wouldn't be surprise if she is one of them. majority of celebrities are.  especially the singer. They join the illuminati to gain fame and to become rich. Rocks singer sing for the devil. All the rock singers are satanic. Some people do the devil symbols in a ignorance way. They don't know that is the devil signs. I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ died in the cross to save us. I don't know Tay religion life. God is real. All I know is that I want to heaven. 



I guess now I'm satanic then... :banghead:

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2 hours ago, ngdgu said:

You mean those aren't her normal lips?  If not, what "method"  did she use?  I noticed that VS has a lip "plumper" lipstick/gloss.  How does that work?


Sorry but there's a no certain one it's just her lips. She's naturally has those lips. Many people on IG don't believe that you have to show them constantly her old pictures :cain:

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2 minutes ago, yuliarosefan said:

Sorry but there's a no certain one it's just her lips. She's naturally has those lips. Many people on IG don't believe that you have to show them constantly her old pictures :cain:

Thanks!  I thought those were her normal lips.  Daily Mail likes to make issues about non-issues, I guess!

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9 hours ago, Stormbringer said:


  • Symbols change over time along with how cultures change. What something meant 2000 years ago will most likely not be what it means now. The "devil horns" are an example. Now it identifies Rock and Heavy Metal, not pagan cults, even if it's origins lies in old superstitions (where Dio took it from).
  • Covering an eye is covering an eye. Whatever meaning it had in ancient times it's lost and it's no longer relevant in terms of a campaign done by a lingerie brand. Again, cultures change and their symbols do so too. What something means to one culture it will probably mean nothing or something completely different for another; things have to be analyzed within their context.
  • So you're meaning to say there's a correlation of cause-effect between fashion pictures and pedophilia?? :rofl: She looks young because she's 19. But that's still far away from "looking 15".



Not acknowledging that symbols change and lose their original meaning over time is lack of basic knowledge. Associating pagan with "evil" like you seem to be doing through your comments is a big lack of logical thinking mixed with huge ignorance and religious indoctrination.




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6 hours ago, Solangel said:

You should worry more about your soul going to heaven. Maybe she is in the illuminati if she wants to go to hell that's her problem. I am pretty sure some of the models are in the illuminati. I wouldn't be surprise if she is one of them. majority of celebrities are.  especially the singer. They join the illuminati to gain fame and to become rich. Rocks singer sing for the devil. All the rock singers are satanic. Some people do the devil symbols in a ignorance way. They don't know that is the devil signs. I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ died in the cross to save us. I don't know Tay religion life. God is real. All I know is that I want to heaven. 


It's nice to know I'm not the only smart kid in the garden.

However, I highly doubt she's in Illuminati. She's just doing whatever is told to do. Usually it is using pagan/occult/whatever symbols THAT DOESN'T LOST ITS MEANING OVERTIME (sic! occultists, satanist and other perverted minds use it for ages now, only mentally challenged people could think the meaning changed). There's a reason why those symbols were associated with evil all this time. After all, it's only symbolism and until she starts to participate in ritual murders or sth I don't have a problem with it. I just pointed out she CAN'T call herself a Christian as long as she's doing all that sh**.


Is it true that Tay has only one year contract with VS? If so, I hope she gets fired for any reason. As long as she's with Peter Pan I can count on some scandals, they just have to mock certain kind of people this time.

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7 hours ago, AlguersuariJA said:


It's nice to know I'm not the only smart kid in the garden.

However, I highly doubt she's in Illuminati. She's just doing whatever is told to do. Usually it is using pagan/occult/whatever symbols THAT DOESN'T LOST ITS MEANING OVERTIME (sic! occultists, satanist and other perverted minds use it for ages now, only mentally challenged people could think the meaning changed). There's a reason why those symbols were associated with evil all this time. After all, it's only symbolism and until she starts to participate in ritual murders or sth I don't have a problem with it. I just pointed out she CAN'T call herself a Christian as long as she's doing all that sh**.


Is it true that Tay has only one year contract with VS? If so, I hope she gets fired for any reason. As long as she's with Peter Pan I can count on some scandals, they just have to mock certain kind of people this time.



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4 hours ago, Englund said:

Why is this thread now and then going around topics like this?


IS Taylor very religious? Has she state that publicly and therefore attracts people with the "same" beliefs? How come no mod just comes here and puts the damn thread back on topic? 


 4 hours ago when you posted the majority of the staff were sleeping, 8 hours ago piss ass drunk, working or sleeping. We got this.

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