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Well... it looks like I made it to 5,000 posts before getting banned.


I know, I'm surprised too.

I want to thank everyone who made this possible.

- The people who like me

- The people who don't like me

- The people who wish I actually did get banned

- The people who used to like me but don't anymore

- The people who recently got to know me and like me more

- The people who knew me before and still like me

- The people who don't know me but read my comments to know they don't like me

- The people who don't know me but read my comments and know they love me

- The people who troll me on a day to day basis and keep my blood pressure up

- The people who try to troll me and fail

- The people who Type Like This And Piss Me The Fuck Off And Remind Me To Beat My Child If I Ever Catch Them Doing This

- The admins and mods who put up with me, even the ones who hate me are cool peeps.

- Obama

Hope to be around for another 1,000.


How about those people who say they like you but really they're serving you up to the evil Empire to save their own skins and it doesn't matter how much they protest "I HAD NO CHOICE" because we all do and we should show some backbone and not just lick-ass?


Anyway, yes, 1000 more might just be about right - I'd say another 5 is pushing the credibility levels, so I'll say I hope for 1000 more agitprop, deep-rooted cynicism and caustic wit from you... :heart:


- The people who don't know me but read my comments and know they love me

I'll take this one too, provided there's room on the bandwagon for one more. Congrats! :heythere:


Oh no, still no one has been able to keep you away from me

Congrats on not being banned yet from your fellow sarcastic diva's.

Don't ever leave nor change.

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AWWWW you guys! I was not expecting this much positivity in a thread dedicated to me. Mostly because I've never had a thread dedicated to me (and never will


Awkward hug time!


I gotta thank all of you individually because that's only fair:

ILUVBarbaraPalvin: You are my right-hand man/instigator. Someone needed to fill to that spot, and my God you were the man to do it right... all day and every night... :brows:

Cult Icon: Having your stamp of approval to touch you via emoticon is something you will live to regret. post-3451-0-1445985965-2967_thumb.gif Also, knowing someone like you doesn't think I'm a moron is great for resumes.

Donbot: One day I will make better sets than you. Hopefully, you lose your fingers in a horrible cat shaving accident sometime soon. Till then, I'm fucked. Thanks for lovely comment. :hug:

Baron: Oh Captain, my Captain! How do I love thee, let me count the ways! It is the east, and Baron is the sun! You are too right, but we mustn't let everyone know of the evil schemes against us. THEY are always watching... Waiting... :mellow: Also, you are the best. Anyone who says otherwise dry humps pillows and pretends to be 15yr olds on fashion forums. Bye.

Michael*: There is always room on this bandwagon. Especially for you. None are chiller and cooler. ;)

Layla90: We are buddies on the DL here, :). Also, the sight of Ryan Gosling makes me need to change my panties. Thanks for that. :PinkCouture2:

wijnboerinnetje: From the .gifs you've used and the set you have, I can see you have some flawless taste. I love scared kittens, my OTP is Stewert/Colbert, and Bar Rafaeli is a lesbionic love of mine. Thanks for the kind words, God knows BZ needs more inter-member lovin'... As creepy as that sounds.... :ninja:


AWWWW you guys! I was not expecting this much positivity in a thread dedicated to me. Mostly because I've never had a thread dedicated to me (and never will


wijnboerinnetje: From the .gifs you've used and the set you have, I can see you have some flawless taste. I love scared kittens, my OTP is Stewert/Colbert, and Bar Rafaeli is a lesbionic love of mine. Thanks for the kind words, God knows BZ needs more inter-member lovin'... As creepy as that sounds.... :ninja:


Congratulations,glad you make it!I don`t see the reason you should get banned-you are not more bitchy then some others here,outspoken and not trying too hard to be witty as some people here-that is why you are actually witty

Besides that,you are attentive to people,I remember you giving advices to Black Swan recently ,you seem to be sincere and it was like you really care.And of course you love Emily,and this is the biggest advantage :rofl:


You guys are so nice to me!


SicK As mY SecReTs: Thank you, hun!

tzdon: Whoa, 10,000? Let's not get get ahead of ourselves.

Mirror's Venus: You always find a way to menstruate all over my parade, don't you?



Mermaid In Love: Wow, that is honestly some of the nicest stuff anyone on BZ has ever said about me. I'm sure there are plenty that would disagree with you, but thanks for taking the time to post over here.

:hehe: Also, what's not to love about Emily. I mean, really!

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