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Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014 (GENERAL DISCUSSION)

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Kendall is that you?

Methinks it's Kris Jenner :brows:



Also, who's ready for Gemma Ward to walk the VSFS?!



Don't let the doll ruin her image with sparkly lingerie :( We don't want her to be a Prada to Nada story


^ :rofl: I see it... clearly Mama Bear, and to all you haters Kris wants you to know...






And lastly




And now I'm gonna torrent each season and watch them all.... I need to see what this family is all about since Kendall is going to be be the next VS it girl.


Dave it's gonna be a long bumpy ride :(


Too late, I'm 12 minutes into the first episode :angie: and btw the only thing I've learned about this family is the father kinda looks like a butchy lesbian... oh and they're all nasally as fuck.

Edit: also the mother is a lush... 





Needs to happen naow  :COP11:



Edit: Did I mention nasally  like nails on a chalkboard bad.

And that Kendall showed stripper tendencies at a very young age. She'll fit right in with the modeling world :rofl:


Last year I got Sigrid, Kasia and Josephine! All I want this year is Daria Strokous!!! Possibly Sasha Luss.

Also, Kasia needs to walk again this year with more screen time! Girl had more presence in her 3 sec of screen time than 75% of the show! Her walk is unreal! :D


1.) Would not be surprised if Adriana got the bra, but lets face it she has earnt it. she has been with Victoria's Secret for a long time now and the longest out of all the angels and with the show heading to london this year, why wouldn't they give it to one of their most recognised angels.

2.) Doutzen's pregnancy was just untimely for this years fantasy bra and maybe she can get it next year! So calm down Doutzen shippers, her time will come. 

3.) Stop hating on Kendall because lets face it, she's a good model and perfect for VS, she knows how to work a catwalk and she is working so hard to make it on her own and make herself 'KENDALL 'Model' not KENDALL 'Kardashian' cut the girl some slack she has lived in her sisters shadows for years! 


Just had to get all this off my chest ... please no hate! 


A lot of the girls have been with the company for a long time. It's not as though Adriana hasn't gotten a FB before. She has, she's gotten it twice. I'll be very disappointed with the VS higher ups if they give it to her for a third time. I'm just over her in general. I don't really care how many years she's "put in" with the company, in my opinion she should have bowed out already, but it is what it is. There is no reason in the world she should get a third FB when there are other angels who have been around for 7 or 8+ years and haven't even had it once. What is she going to do with it that will make it any more special or different than the other two she already had? She'll do the same stompy walk, arms outstretched, shaking her head back and forth mouthing "thank you, I love you!" blow some kisses, maybe draw a big heart with her fingers at the end of the runway. She literally does the exact same thing every time she walks, yet people are quick to jump on Candice and Lily and call their walks boring and predictable. I guess I've just never understood the Adriana hype, or consumed the Adriana kool-aid. In all fairness, who should REALLY get the FB is poor Lindsay, whom I sadly dub "The Forgotten Angel" since it's pretty clear her contract isn't going to get renewed. She'll have gone through her entire career as an angel without ever getting a FB, opening a show, and getting little to no recognition from VS. I'm not a big fan of her, myself (I've always found her to be boring), but she's still an angel, even though VS seems to forget they have her on the payroll most of the time.


I'd like to see VS be less predictable this year and let Behati, Lily, or Doutzen get the FB (yes, D was pregnant, but Alessandra had just had her baby when she got hers and they made it work for her). I'm sincerely hoping they don't take the predictable route and toss another one Adriana's way, but if she doesn't get it I'm sure her fans will ravage whoever does about how unfair it is that their "queen" doesn't have another one to add to her collection. 


Yay Martha. I hope her acting ability from the VS short carries over to the show.


Dave, I've watched 4 seasons of the show...



I've had a 12 pack of Natty Ice (cheap shit for the cheap family), and it did very little to numb the pain.

4 seasons down...5 to go. :mellow: 





or Doutzen get the FB (yes, D was pregnant, but Alessandra had just had her baby when she got hers and they made it work for her).


Doutzen is totally back in shape. She is just as thin as before. Yes I think Doutzen should get it. She hasn't wore one of the special bra's yet, and worked voor VS since 2005, so she should have it. 


its fun to watch^^ :rofl: I mean it is what it is, entertainment :D


Kylie Jenner be like..




:rofl: :rofl:


On a VS related note:


Lily and Martha are filming an episode of 2 Broke Girls.

Can't wait! :chicken:

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