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Awesome! My book got delivered today.

The spreads of Martha and Sara are amazing. I also liked the pics of Camille, Marloes and Maryna.


You can delete a few names from your list:

Cara, Shanina, Jasmine, Elsa, Lindsay, Bregje, Monika, Nadine, Bridget,

They are not in it.

Could you make a list of who's in there?


I could post the picture overview tomorrow.


^ How the heck did you get your copy already? :D

And are you going to provide the scans? If so I am going to cancell my order. Give me a quick heads up if you are doing so since that will save me some good money here :)


These aren't remotely HQ, so yeah?  Pheno asked if you guys wanted her to scan, I said no, so please please please go ahead. I kinda wanna see one of two of the girls in HQ


^ Will do hun :hehe: Can you help me add a watermark though since these will be exclusively for BZ ONLY! You are the pro with that so if you can it would be greatly appreciated :hehe: Something small though of course so it doesn't deter the eyes too much :)


^ How the heck did you get your copy already? :D


And are you going to provide the scans? If so I am going to cancell my order. Give me a quick heads up if you are doing so since that will save me some good money here :)

Release in Germany was end of September.

My scanner has half the size of a single page, so this doesn't make any sense for me to scan the pics.

At the end of the book is a 5 page summary with all the pics including the model names. I will try to scan these tonight after work, but those will end up pretty LQ. But it should work as a teaser until the HQs appear.


^ Well, no need for you to come in here anymore then :D


And thank you Pith for those previews. I shall be scanning the book still once it comes in then. Sadly those bastards pushed back the date until Nov. 15 vs the Oct. 15 date :pinch:


^ I'm curious, what models were u looking forward to?


Little bit more new stuff from current Angels. He had Doutzen in amazing shape, in amazing setting and he only produced two (plus one zoomed in) of her. Candice only few (plus reprint of old work). Too much old Miranda (if only he did something new with her). Too little Karlie. Wish Adri's photos were better... Lily... meh. Rosie...old.


I think he only did justice with Martha and Sara.


And regarding old work. One would think that he had so many extra photos that he didn't use in V2 book that he could use here, instead he just put the same ones in.


Dunno...it's not like bad, but I kinda had bigger expectations. Turns out the best new stuff they gave away is in the preview photos.


In my opinion, of course.




Still feeling sorry 'Around the house with Candice Swanepoel' was canceled. That would blow away this book easily.

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