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The 2015 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show


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The pic that says Serkan on it, remember I thought it was a models name but it ended up just being Serkans lol He's the designer of the Swarovski outfit and he posted on instagram the pic of Barbara in the finished product. Its the exact same outfit as the original fitting pic. That's why I think the Swarovski look will open that section.

I'll try and find the pic

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Okay here is the board im looking at that shows (as of right now) where wings are going. Outfits with wings will have a pink sticker underneath the yellow sticker that is labeling the outfit. Doesn't the second look in Pink with the wings look like a surfboard! And you can see that every look in Fireworks has a wing.



Another view of the board


What's interesting is if the order of Boho stays the same as it is on the board, we went see a wing until 6 outfits in and there's only 3, maybe 4 wings in that section. That seems odd for an opening. Havn't seen that since 2010. I get it though, with the abundance of wings in Exotic Butterfly and Fireworks.

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Just curious but which segment would come off as a softer shade of beauty this time?

I'm thinking Exotic Butterflies and POAA, but Ice Angels seem to fit the soft, feminine concept of beauty too...


Whereas Boho and Fireworks seem like the sharper, edgier and just overall colorful segment

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Here it is, same look as the one Serkan just posted of Babs. Anybody wanna try and take a crack at what the sticky note underneath the one with the looks and wings on it is? Starts with a J and ends with E? Usually those are the girl opening the segment but that doesn't fit anyone.

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Okay here is the board im looking at that shows (as of right now) where wings are going. Outfits with wings will have a pink sticker underneath the yellow sticker that is labeling the outfit. Doesn't the second look in Pink with the wings look like a surfboard! And you can see that every look in Fireworks has a wing.

What's interesting is if the order of Boho stays the same as it is on the board, we went see a wing until 6 outfits in and there's only 3, maybe 4 wings in that section. That seems odd for an opening. Havn't seen that since 2010. I get it though, with the abundance of wings in Exotic Butterfly and Fireworks.


Thank you! I went back and looked at some caps of the board I made and they have the Swarovski outfit in slot K which is the second to last look in POAA. So they changed it at some point. I'm not sure which cap came first, the one on the big board or the one where it looks to be the first look.


I count 4 wings in Boho but yeah, the first pair doesn't show up until look 6 which is really weird considering it's the opening segment. I'm surprised Exotic Butterflies only has 7 wings and that Fireworks has them for what appears is every look. But they did say they wanted the closing segment to have a big impact, and wings = impact.

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Makes sense but I just can't see her opening a segment with so many top contenders who should be in line before her. Then again, anything is possible and that post it usually has the openers name on it. Take it with a grain of salt but I think maybe Jasmine will be our POAA opener.

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I think the cast this year will go up to about 45 people max, we've got Imaan (or Imaam, sorry if I mispelled) confirmed which leaves total casting to 43,44?? It's two less from last year right? Last year they had 47 models, right?


Btw Bryan, any inside news already? Especially.....

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