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la_models-Sarah-32355.jpg  th_c79283440643193.jpg/monthly_10_2015/post-66004-0-1593896800-55808_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="la_models-Sarah-32356.jpg"> 5ffcfa440643209.jpg 


la_models-Sarah-32361.jpgth_e27579440643189.jpg/monthly_10_2015/post-66004-0-1593896800-70488_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="la_models-Sarah-32360.jpg">




th_38aff0440645479.jpg/monthly_10_2015/post-66004-0-1593896805-52738_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="11352915_386842391516638_66876437_n.jpg"> 11376438_1451158798535831_1130918564_n.jpg 11377819_375018279361998_1276241970_n.jpg 11380844_1624202224483599_1785365672_n.jpg th_8a6184440645501.jpg/monthly_10_2015/post-66004-0-1593896805-76981_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="12144141_1644697099134499_158133658_n.jpg"> 




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It's a shame that after some research her eyes are faked. She either stands too far to tell when its not a personal shoot. Or her hair is over one eye, or one eye is cut from the picture due to the angle. Its a shame that she thinks she has to have two different eyes to stand out. She's beautiful all on her own.


It's a shame that after some research her eyes are faked. She either stands too far to tell when its not a personal shoot. Or her hair is over one eye, or one eye is cut from the picture due to the angle. Its a shame that she thinks she has to have two different eyes to stand out. She's beautiful all on her own.


I saw on some photos that her eyes have the same colour but a make up artist wrote on her photo that she has heterochromia. Maybe they photoshopped it to the same colour. :)

    vik_makeup#heterochromia sometimes imperfections make u #perfect love this !!!!!!! Beatiful and unique girl @krotchy




There's a video for "Ugly" or something like that, she's far away from the camera or when there's a close up her hair is in the way of one eye and then when the wind blows her hair away her eye is mostly closed to hide the color.


It's official. Her eyes are fake. A photographer posted an unedited picture of her with the contact in. She posted the same picture with the eye photoshopped bluer. If you don't believe me check it for yourself. I tried to say something and she blocked me on Instagram and deleted the message. There's a comment from someone saying "you're both wrong" and both people have been blocked and their messages deletes.


Because they photoshop her eye bluer doesn't mean that the eye is not blue!!!  She really have two different colors of eyes.  Photographer may accentuate the color.  But in every "candid" photo she got two eyes color!


blue contact on right eye: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e15/11380836_1646052638971738_2014346981_n.jpg


blue contact on her left eye: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e35/11848985_381832552015306_1169897657_n.jpg


She made the mistake of switching them, lol.


It's fine if she wants 2 different colored eyes, I just wish she didn't lie about it.


Super obvious in this one: http://elxrmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/04_onc-sarah-2_0497.jpg

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