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15 hours ago, Cult Icon said:



About American culture, I think of the Hollow Men sometimes particularly after the Great recession.


Eliot wrote this poem to describe British men and British culture after the World War 1.


The Hollow Men by T S Eliot - Famous poems, famous poets. - All Poetry




Very interesting.


I had never heard of it but it seems to be a very profound and lyrical expression of a phenomenon that's been rampant in the past decades.


It somehow reminds me of Nietzsche's books (especially where he talsk about the last man).

On 1/22/2023 at 5:31 PM, Enrico_sw said:


Google fires 12k people, but no uproar in the media (like for Musk's Twitter), because Google embraces the Woke cult.


Woke cultists are the useful idiots of mega-corporations, as always.:Amelie_wft:


Eh? I have seen many people complain about both the manner in which they were let go and the firings themselves.

20 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:

Excellent video!

Trigger warning: people deprived of critical thinking might experience anxiety after watching this :nicole:



There are plenty of good movies still being made. It's just that too many people only want to watch things made by an increasingly small number of big studios.

Who admittedly all churn out a lot of forgettable stuff.

3 hours ago, SympathysSilhouette said:


There are plenty of good movies still being made. It's just that too many people only want to watch things made by an increasingly small number of big studios.

Who admittedly all churn out a lot of forgettable stuff.



Did you watch the video? It's not about that.


I agree that the '"oligopolization" of the entertainment industry is a big driver for mediocrity. Moral cover-ups (like those from the current cult that dominates Hollywood) are always an excellent way for oligopolies to scam the public. And cult followers are the "useful idiots" of the cartels.


French Socialists fight over party leadership race

The French Socialist Party held the second round of its leadership race on Thursday (19 January). The two candidates, Olivier Faure and Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, are both claiming victory amidst mutual accusations of irregularities in the voting process.



Massive cheating in the French socialist party's leadership race.


Cheating seems to be a constant in leftist parties nowadays... :rolleyes:


Lots of interactions on the internet look like Cathy Newman's interview of JP... ppl don't really listen and try to distort what you say.






This is an excellent review of Scuton's amazing book, On Beauty and the critique on modern trends in art, film, tv etc. :


"“Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it did not matter.”

Beauty matters! That is the point to this wonderfully slim introduction to aesthetics, and on that point I stand in complete accordance with Scruton. Although, I didn’t agree with all that he said, and at times I thought his ideas needed a bit of clarification, I thought many of his main points hit home, and I appreciated the mass assortment of references on the subject. When addressing postmodernism’s desire to destroy the sacred so that art becomes less about aesthetics, but more about taking pleasure in the act of destruction it reminds me of Philip Rieff’s “third world culture”. The idea that there are three cultures, first, second, and third world. First and second worlds containing continuity in that they are both based on a sacred order and a higher authority. Third world being characterized by not only it’s divergence from the first two, but of it’s hatred of the sacred and of viewing itself as the higher authority. What Rieff calls an "anti-culture" because it effectively destroys culture through acts that he calls, “deathworks.” These are attempts to tear down the sacred order and wipe out it’s history. A cross pickled in urine for example or explicit pornography as art, etc. According to Scruton these works of art are not beautiful precisely because they lack the sacred and they defile art, in his opinion these are acts of the destruction of art, that give momentary pleasure to the viewer and artist solely in the shock that they produce.

A culture like this that looks to destroy it’s ties to the past and destroy any intrinsic meaning in what was previously viewed by the west as sacred and beautiful, cannot be sustained because it stands against itself. It looks to justify it’s actions based on itself alone, but it is actively cutting the roots that tie it to a culture. Thus it is an “anti-culture”. It is self destructive. I think Scruton is getting at a similar idea if not the exact idea. Our modern world looks at beauty through it’s utilitarian lenses of function and profit. They wish to objectify beauty. What is it’s function? Does it satisfy a desire? This causes consumerism in the modern world to masquerade as art.

“wanting it for its beauty is not wanting to inspect it: it is wanting to contemplate it—and that is something more than a search for information or an expression of appetite. Here is a want without a goal: a desire that cannot be fulfilled since there is nothing that would count as its fulfilment.”

Scruton believes that beauty is much deeper than that. That it does not have a function other than itself. That making it about desire and satiation is stripping it of what it actually is.

“Beauty is not the source of disinterested pleasure, but simply the object of a universal interest: the interest that we have in beauty, and in the pleasure that beauty brings.”

What shines forth to me in this book is Scruton’s understanding that beauty carries transcendence into the eternal. That beauty feeds man’s soul. That it takes us out of ourselves and our desires and has us reflect on something greater than ourselves.

“Nobody who is alert to beauty, therefore, is without the concept of redemption—of a final transcendence of mortal disorder into a ‘kingdom of ends’. In an age of declining faith art bears enduring witness to the spiritual hunger and immortal longings of our species. Hence aesthetic education matters more today than at any previous period in history.”

“Art moves us because it is beautiful, and it is beautiful in part because it means something. It can be meaningful without being beautiful; but to be beautiful it must be meaningful.”


Beauty: A Very Short Introduction by Roger Scruton | Goodreads


They manage to get dumber every day. It's gotta be some sort of prowess...

(BTW that's CRT again... maybe the CRT deniers will open their eyes this time :Amelie_wft:)


On 1/22/2023 at 5:31 PM, Enrico_sw said:


Google fires 12k people, but no uproar in the media (like for Musk's Twitter), because Google embraces the Woke cult.


Woke cultists are the useful idiots of mega-corporations, as always.:Amelie_wft:


12K is around 6% of Google's workforce. Musk reduced Twitter's workforce from 7500 to 2300.

I'm pretty sure if Google fired over 69% of its workforce it would be getting more attention.


^ the inability to criticise a doctrine or ideology (like the woke), whether it's by adherence or fear to doubt it, is a symptom of a sectarian movement... :Amelie_wft:


But you knew that, right?


Australia's new gender thought police looks scary :rofl::rofl: 


Her eyes staring at the camera, her angry jawline, her robotic reciting of meaningless words... NPCs, report for duty! :ninja:


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