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Helena Christensen


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love No. 1, No, 7, No. 8 and No. 14

Well Done!

I don't understand the purpose of fake covers. The photos are already beautiful per se, so why ruin them with awful and ghastly fake layouts. They look horrid, distasteful and horribly cheap.

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JoeH with all respect I don't think you are helping here. I do not want Sexy think that anyone is attacking her, lots of people just don't like her covers and they are entitled to voice their minds as much as the ones who like them. I like some of her covers but I don't think overloading this thread with them is a good idea. At the end of the day, the thread is about Helena and not us or our work. Sexy's covers are her work and if there was a thread for fake covers they would have only been welcomed. She can post them here as well and I have no authority or moral right to tell anyone not to but with all honesty sometimes it becomes overwhelming and what we are looking for here is the original material of Helena rather than a ‘fake’ interpretation of it. Sexy’s contributions are always very valuable and I really hope this incident won’t put her off the thread and set her fans against each other.

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JoeH with all respect I don't think you are helping here. I do not want Sexy think that anyone is attacking her, lots of people just don't like her covers and they are entitled to voice their minds as much as the ones who like them. I like some of her covers but I don't think overloading this thread with them is a good idea. At the end of the day, the thread is about Helena and not us or our work. Sexy's covers are her work and if there was a thread for fake covers they would have only been welcomed. She can post them here as well and I have no authority or moral right to tell anyone not to but with all honesty sometimes it becomes overwhelming and what we are looking for here is the original material of Helena rather than a ‘fake’ interpretation of it. Sexy’s contributions are always very valuable and I really hope this incident won’t put her off the thread and set her fans against each other.
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Haha, at least pretend that you are trying :D

I think I am one of these privileged people who is familiar with Pierre’s collection really well. It is amazing although there have been lots of stuff posted here that even Pierre did not have in his collection. What I am trying to say is that there are plenty of people who contribute original material to this thread. Let’s take HelenaLover and his ELLE South Africa 2010, which I had to wait 3 months to get or even Marie Claire Spain that neither I nor my dearest friend Pierre managed to get our hands on.

I agree that partly fake covers are about Helena but more about Sexy who I wish the best and a quick reintegration in the thread. Moreover, it is a reality check and creative people should be prepared for a harsh and even rude and sometimes even shocking criticism or comments as long as they are not personally offensive. This is what any forum stands for! Allow us express our opinions! Enjoy the freedom of thought and expression. This is what I still love about Bellazon which makes it so different from the TFS full of little dictators/moderators and the rules that no one else understands anymore.

If someone came to the thread, even with just a post and said that the cover I made was a total sh*t I would of course not be ecstatic about it but would have to respect his/her opinion. Otherwise I can lock my work in my computer and never expose it.

Anyway thanks JoeH for your very constructive response. The last thing I need now is falling out with Helena’s fan ;-) Have a great week and I hope we have some great news from Helena.

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Haha, at least pretend that you are trying :D

I think I am one of these privileged people who is familiar with Pierre’s collection really well. It is amazing although there have been lots of stuff posted here that even Pierre did not have in his collection. What I am trying to say is that there are plenty of people who contribute original material to this thread. Let’s take HelenaLover and his ELLE South Africa 2010, which I had to wait 3 months to get or even Marie Claire Spain that neither I nor my dearest friend Pierre managed to get our hands on.

I agree that partly fake covers are about Helena but more about Sexy who I wish the best and a quick reintegration in the thread. Moreover, it is a reality check and creative people should be prepared for a harsh and even rude and sometimes even shocking criticism or comments as long as they are not personally offensive. This is what any forum stands for! Allow us express our opinions! Enjoy the freedom of thought and expression. This is what I still love about Bellazon which makes it so different from the TFS full of little dictators/moderators and the rules that no one else understands anymore.

If someone came to the thread, even with just a post and said that the cover I made was a total sh*t I would of course not be ecstatic about it but would have to respect his/her opinion. Otherwise I can lock my work in my computer and never expose it.

Anyway thanks JoeH for your very constructive response. The last thing I need now is falling out with Helena’s fan ;-) Have a great week and I hope we have some great news from Helena.

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Okay now my constructivism is called being double-faced and bully. If you take all my sentences out of context you will succeed in calling me other names. I never said Sexy should lock her work in her computer but she should expect criticism if she decides to expose her work to public.

What is funny, you ask people to appreciate one side of the story but everyone who happens to be on the other side (I am honestly in the middle) is being called annoying, etc. We are all different and what we should try is to appreciate our differences. I buy magazines and I think it is another way of appreciating a model you are fan of. I personally very much dislike free riders. That’s my honest opinion if you like ;-)

I am done with peace building here.

Good luck to everyone and enjoy the forum!

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Thank you Joeh for your great support.

There are some points I would like to say about , though I was intended to never visit this site.

1) One alien guy with no contributions of your favorite Helena comes here and say such harsh words and actually value all my work as dirty and cheap, a dirty whore would be treated better. Yes I was a bit emotional when I told him to keep his thoughts in his mind but these words were said because of my very low mood after I found that my web-page collapsed.

2) Yes, we're not all the same, we all have our taste but humiliating people like that is disgusting. As for me , I also do not like everything I see here but I never allow myself to say negative words on anybody's contributions because I respect everybody and everything is valuable, we all can take what we like and do not touch what we don't need.

3) Yes, I create fake covers but if you remember I post them really rarely (except the first period when I had a lot of them but by people's request here I reduced my posts)

I haven't posted them for about 8 months !! And doing a few new covers I took about 1/5 of one page of the thread. WAS THAT REALLY HARD FOR YOU TO SEE THEM HERE ???

Someone behaved as if I was posting my covers in every page and in every post !

4) My friend Vahito (whom I thought he was) hushed to support that man's words and spoke against me , though earlier he had admired some of my covers very much. And then hearing those harsh words of someone who's not his friend and not Helena's fan he preferred to say that it was really hard for him to see my fake covers in this thread

5) Even if they are fake they are about Helena and it has the right to be here. If you don't like them just do not download them, that is my opinion.

6) That user said that by putting Helena's face on my fake covers I make her ugly. DO YOU REALLY THINK I MAKE HER UGLY, Vahito, Przemek and 90sFan ??? If putting text over model's picture means making her ugly than every edition of every fashion and other magazines are making all beautiful women ugly by putting them on their covers. I just fantasies her beautiful images on covers , how they would look if editors were more attentive to Helena's heavenly appearance. It's just a piece of art , not serious but still

7) Then comes Przemek and says even more interesting thing - that I am a kind of criminal - that I use trademarks of fashion magazines. For your consideration Przemek , a person become a criminal when he make business on any label which I do not make, I make no money on those covers, they are for me and for fans only

8) It's disgusting when somebody gets hurt and all other people rushes and instead of supporting or at least staying neutral to the person begin to kick him more and beats him down to fall. That's what you did to me, I think you know who was these persons. I really have an awful life and there ain't much good things that make my day and this forum dedicated to Helena where I feel home was very important to me. After my hosting crushed my site that I made with so much efforts I was down-and-out and had a very bad mood. And then I came here and read these posts of people I called my friends. You really spit into my soul and you even don't realise what 4 of you did to me. As Joeh says you did crush my spirit and I feel no more home at bellazon.

So, this is my last post here, don't worry you will never be bored again with any piece of my work. I'll continue creating them but for my eyes only.

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Dear Sexy...

I do feel horrible after reading your post...

I am terribly sorry that you took everything we said here so personally. I still believe there is no right or wrong in this situation. I never said you should stop posting your covers and you noticed correctly that I even liked some of them. That’s true but only some of them. However, it is not about my liking or disliking. I have my personal opinion and everything I said during this rather heated discussion was totally not about the quality of your work but the amount of exposure.

I did not support or battled against anyone. From the beginning I tried to calm down the situation. I respect your creativity and your willingness to post the fake covers and please some other members but at the same time I respect the opinions of other people who might not like them or even hate them. Not because I agree with them but because we are all entitled to express our opinions however harsh they might be.

If we expect to be understood and heard then we should let others to exercise same rights too. No one offended you and called you names, the assessment of your work was rather harsh, it might have been very disappointing and I feel for you especially after what you said about your troubles with the web-site but your response was not the best either. I don't think anyone in this forum has more or less rights because of the number of posts. We are all equal.

As I said, I have nothing against you or your creative work. I never said anything against you or personally offended you whereas some of your friends called me names such as double faced person... and I suppose a bully with a class which makes no difference to me whatsoever. Believe me being criticised for your work might be unpleasant but having words taken out of context and being portrayed as a heartless bully crashing other people's spirits is not nice either.

I am so sorry to hear about your hard life. You don't have to leave the forum because some people don't like your fake covers. You can ignore them the way you suggested them to ignore your fake covers. As one of your friends says this forum is for everyone.

The rest is a kinder garden stuff and I am not going to comment on that.

This is my farewell message too. I am sad to leave Bellazon but it happens for the second time when because of the fake covers I am left with a very unpleasant feeling. Also, I would not like anyone to feel bad about it.

I wish you all the best... I might catch up with some of you on the Fashion Spot.

Keep loving Helena because she is amazing! I hope our admiration to Helena will lead us to better experiences and more peaceful community life;-)

Good luck!


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7) Then comes Przemek and says even more interesting thing - that I am a kind of criminal - NO, I DID NOT SAY WHO YOU ARE! READ CAREFULLY!

- that I use trademarks of fashion magazines - IF IT IS NOT A TRADEMARK WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT?

For your consideration Przemek , a person become a criminal when he make business on any label which I do not make, I make no money on those covers, they are for me and for fans only


I would strongly suggest you read everything with deep understanding. If there is something you don't understand or something is not clear for you, ask the author for explanation. I am writing this because I'VE NEVER SAID or WRITTEN that whoever here on this thread is a criminal!


There is absolutely NOTHING (in my post) about you as a person, who you are or who you are not. We have never met each other so I don't feel like forming any opinions about you. My opinion is about FAKE COVERS and certain activity to CONSIDER. That's all.

I repeat – READ CAREFULLY before you accuse someone for words he/she never said.

This is about FAKE COVERS AND FAKE COVERS ONLY!! Not you as a person and your life. We all have more or less serious problems, none of us lives in paradise but we don't bring our problems on this thread. (I hope the thread is still dedicated only to Helena)

SOME PEOPLE LIKE FAKE COVERS, SOME PEOPLE DON’T - simple as that. And I don't understand why you try to divide other users of the thread - if someone likes your fake covers than he is a friend of yours, if not... you say about being humiliated and spitting in your soul (!?!?) What was that suppose to mean?!?! Try to control your emotions before you write something and & be sure you know the meaning of used words. You cannot force people to like your fake covers (or any other thing). It doesn't work that way.

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This is my farewell message too. I am sad to leave Bellazon but it happens for the second time when because of the fake covers I am left with a very unpleasant feeling

I wish you all the best... I might catch up with some of you on the Fashion Spot.

Good luck!


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JoeH I am sorry to say that but your last post was absolutely pathetic, outrageously abusive and offensive! It was simply out of order.

I am terribly annoyed that I am allowing myself to speak my mind in this fashion but I don’t think I have a choice. No one is allowed to spit on my dignity and I can stand up for myself.

I don’t know what gives you any right to allow yourself to tell me how I feel about Bellazon. Even more outrageous, you give yourself the right to speak on behalf of my friend Pierre. Did you talk to him? Did he allow you to represent him here? You are accusing me of trying to take him away from you guys! It was me who introduced him to Bellazon and theFashionSpot. I don’t even know why I am bothering with explaining because you are certainly not worth it. This is called a masterful sh*t st*rring my dear. You should concentrate on spending more time on contributing to this thread rather than setting people against each other.

If any of you have anything to say please contact me privately. I will keep my account for another 10 days but I am beyond outraged and offended but it does not matter. The life is full of surprises. Let’s not forget it is not a battle field, it is not about me, or Sexy or anyone else. This is Helena’s thread who we should all respect. I won’t allow my feelings affect the dynamics of this thread negatively. Whoever feels sad about it, please don’t.

We should all be ashamed of what happened here.

Good luck!


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